My frantic encounter with the most atrocious man in Prague

People are sometimes envious when they hear you work as a journalist and part of your job involves travel. But it isn’t always as glamorous as it sounds, especially when you have a travel curse and a knack of booking rubbish hotels run by lunatics. Let me point out that I appreciate the perks and…

Here’s something shit I made earlier

There’s no debating the fact I am a hideous cook and a danger to anyone unfortunate enough to be my dinner guest. I was led to believe that women become magicians in the kitchen when they reach a certain age, capable of wowing their friends and family with culinary works of art. Well, I’m still…

Silliness should be shared

Life doesn’t have to be serious. We should celebrate life’s silly and often hideously embarrassing moments because those are likely to be the ones that will stay with us for years to come. Some of the best people I’ve met don’t care if they make a fool of themselves and I bloody love hearing their stories of…